Water and Children – Water and Health

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A Cornell University Medical study found that children, who drink more than 12-ounces of sweetened fruit juices daily, are prone to obesity and reduced growth.  Another study revealed that more than two-thirds of pre-school children, a group prone to dehydration, drink no water during the day.

The question therefore, what are our children's water-drink-ing habits, and what is the drink of choice when they are thirsty?

831128_14392675This important issue of water consumption therefore should be broken down into key questions. Why are you drinking water and what kind of water are you drinking? Through sweat, breathing and various excretory functions, our bodies lose approximately three litres of water daily, depending on your metabolic condition.

Yet most people do not replace this lost water with water.  Instead they drink tea, soda, wine and processed juices which are diuretics and actually remove water from the system.  The result is chronic dehydration, symptoms of which include: Joint discomfort, Headaches, Stress, Sleep disorders, Digestive problems, Impotence, among others.

What the body needs is some good, old-fashioned H2O.  However, what the body does need are the extras found in tap water, such as Lead, Copper, Nitrates, PCB’s, etc: and what of Chlorine, Ammonia and Fluoride added to your water.

Fluoride may be a carcinogen as well as a powerful leach of Calcium from the human skeletal structure.  Free chlorine causes fats in the blood to form Cholesterol deposits, commonly known as Plaque, the same plaque that causes heart attacks and strokes.1414925_67781526

All this information taking us back to bottle water, mentioned in the first paragraph of this article.  There are several kinds.  Distilled water has no bacteria or viral contaminants, but it has literally nothing in it, no calcium, which is vital for bone health.

In fact, research indicates that drinking water which does not contain calcium, may actually leach calcium from your teeth as you drink.  Other bottled waters have some minerals, but the aggressive filtering and purifying processes of major water bottles, will leave you with less than you might think.

It is vitally important to obtain minerals and vitamins in the water you drink.  The most profound source of this type of water is the Pi Water System, developed in Japan in 1985.

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G2O produces the smallest water molecule cluster in the world.  The scientifically selected minerals in the G2O mineral cartridge naturally reduce the size of the water cluster to about 5 or 6. Normal water has about 15 or 16 clusters.

How quickly is water absorbed?

60 Seconds – Water reaches the bloodstream

3 Minutes – It reaches the brain

10 Minutes – It reaches other organs

30 Minutes – Every part of the body is affected

G2O is for the entire family and a perfect way to hydrate during sports or other physical activities.  It’s the ultimate investment in your family’s health.

To conclude therefore, the quantity of water that we drink is as important as the quality.  Most people fail to realize that the water they drink has very little of the things they need and quite a few of the things they do not.  Education is the key to both of these problems and good health can be found through knowledge.

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Let's turn the negative (Sickness, Misery and Death) into  Good Health, Love, Peace and Prosperity; for all those who are willing, ready and able.
Let us change our world for our future generation.

Telephone: 1 (876) 754-8843
Email: tedemanuel@gmail.com
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