Impotency: Part 2

Impotance1Man should be yang (strong, solid, firm). If he is yin (fragile, soft, gentle), he will be very unhappy. If he is too yang and becomes cruel and destructive, never mind. He will finish very young and tragically.

Women are yin by nature. It is when they become yang by taking too much yang food (animal products) that they become unhappy. Some women detest a man’s sexual desire. They have taken a great deal of yang food, have become too masculine and have no desire to be loved by a male. They become homosexual or love animals to an extreme degree. At best, they love passive, feminine men who are obedient, docile and kind. Their life is unhappy for it violates the basic principle of existence. At the other extreme, if women are too yin to be loved, so fearful that they flee from any sexuality, they will be sad all through their lives.

Men who are too yin are much more unhappy than those who are too yang. Those women who are too yang are much more unhappy than those who are too yin. Because of such abnormality in their personality and sexual life, they cannot build a happy home. However, a man who is too yin and a woman who is too yang can be less unhappy together than alone.

Almost all of the unhappiness of life in general and of family life in particular comes from sexual difficulties that include impotency, a lack of joyful sexuality or too much pathological sexual activity between man and wife. No person can be happy and productive if his sexual needs are not satisfied in his family environment. In fact, many a great man, such as Socrates, Confucius and Tolstoy have come to a desperate end as the result of having a sick wife. It is interesting to note that some yin men have become famous under the protection of a yang mistress who in turn had a very yin husband: Anatole France and Mme. Caillavet, Nelson and Mrs. Hamilton

What is the cause of impotency and frigidity in women and the lack of sexual appetite in men? Sexual hormones are a primary factor. Unfortunately, both men and women do not understand that they can control their hormones and establish a healthy appetite for sex by means of correct food. As a result, their lives are full of bitterness and difficulty; they can only play blind man’s bluff.

Further, men and women choose a life’s companion without having a basis on which to judge who is the best mate among the many available possibilities. Their supreme judging ability is deeply clouded and they are guided by sensory, sentimental, intellectual or economic judgement. The majority are motivated by the lowest judgement of all: blind, physical attraction. With a knowledge of the Unique Principle of the infinite universe, yin-yang, however, they would be able to choose the best mate, and if they failed in their choice, they could transform their partner’s biological, physiological and psychological constitution through macrobiotics.

~ excerpt from Zen Macrobiotics by Master George Ohsawa

Don’t miss Part 3 in our next blog post.

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