Impotency: Part 3

mximage172The philosophy of the Orient, the foundation of all science and all technology, forbids boys and girls to play or study in the same room after the age of seven. Biologically and physiologically, this is a natural method of strengthening the yang nature of boys and the yin nature of girls. Furthermore, all children learn the yin-yang philosophy and its application on every level of living from the beginning of primary school. They are taught how to find the best companion for life from a bio-ecological standpoint. They learn that a future happy couple should choose one another from among those who were born on the antipode of the earth’s orbit, some one hundred and eighty days apart, and should come from families that are as different as possible. This makes for the greatest mutual attraction.

There are, finally, endless varieties of food and drink that can change out constitutions, sexual desire, intellectual tendencies, social behavior and as a consequence, our society and destiny. Some are miraculous aphrodisiacs while others are instantaneously effective anti-aphrodisiacs, e.g. shiitake (a variety of Japanese mushroom), kampyo ( a cord made from a kind of pumpkin), konnyaku ( a tuber), and especially kuwai (arrowhead) which kills our sexual appetite completely and immediately. Note that these are all vegetables. They are always used in Buddhists temples and in Japanese religious families. (Sugar, sweets, juices, ice cream, soft drinks, all fruits but especially those that come from hot countries — potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, and Vitamin C, can easily substitute for them.)

Some women serve them, appropriately, in the kitchen when their husbands are too yang (cruel and violent in their everyday behaviour and sexual life). Husbands who are ignorant of the secrets of macrobiotic cooking take these foods continuously and are rendered docile or impotent.

Impotent, cold women are generally suspicious, unbelieving, mystical and backbiting in their manner. In time, this tendency develops into insanity.

I will not reveal any further secrets here for there are always some who wish to misuse them. It is better to observe the normal macrobiotic way that transforms your constitution slowly but steadily.

Food sustains us. Because of it we think, speak, work, love, hate, destroy and create. Though we can easily kill the strongest man by feeding him something very yin, it is much less difficult to kill or strengthen sexual appetite.

~ excerpt from Zen Macrobiotics by Master George Ohsawa

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