On rare occasions, we have the privilege to walk with great people


Dr. Roger  A.  Boger

Author & Motivational Speaker

“Your Einstein Complex” and ” Blue Print for Millions”


On rare occasions, we have the privilege to meet and walk with great people….. those difference makers who put others ahead of themselves.  And, if we are aware of their gifts and take advantage of those freely given gifts of wisdom, great changes are possible.  So, rare indeed, is Ted Emanuel and grateful,  am I  to know this man  for many years and the gifts that he unselfishly gives to the people of the world. He has studied natural healing and nutrition for most of his life and enjoys an incomparable knowledge in that area.

His experience and study have resulted in a demand for his understanding and insights that could be understood by all people, whether they have science, medical or professional training or not. In the book, we are made aware of the fact that affluent countries consume chronic disease producing diets , high in fat, one third of the daily fiber intake of our ancestors  and more, outlined in these pages . The results are more chronic diseases and disorders.

What this book gives to us all are the solutions to these disorders in a very natural way. Changing our water to an alkaline state, using sea vegetables in the form of fucoidan, learning how to cook and prepare our foods as well as exercise and meditation are all important components to total health. The concept of Yin and Yang both in foods and disease states is explored in detail for complete understanding of the universal states of all matter.

Use this book as your road map to wellness and a long, happy, healthy life while being one with nature.

Dr. Roger A. Boger,

Author of “Your Einstein Complex” and “Blue Print for Millions”.

*Ted Emanuel’s  “CORRECTING CANCER NATURALLY” soon to be published

Ted Emanuel Naturopathic Wellness Retreat, Jamaica  W. I.
Summer Worshops available Companies, Churches, Groups

“Food is the main sustenance of life , without it sickness can never be definitively corrected or cured”


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