
If you have faith, nothing shall be impossible to you. If something is possible to you, you have not as much faith as a grain of mustard seed. Crimes, hostility, poverty, wars and especially so-called incurable illness are all the end result of a lack of faith.

Happiness or unhappiness depends upon our behaviour which is in turn controlled by our judgement. Faith is the solid foundation upon which judgement rises.

We must not confuse that type of judgement that is based on faith with the variety that is not. The judgement that fails is the latter. If your judgement fails, you are one who has not even as much faith as a grain of mustard seed. Faith is judgement to infinity. If you do not know the order  of the infinite universe, you have no faith. If you have confidence only in man-made contrivance such as laws, power, knowledge, science, money, drugs and medicines, you have faith only in relativity, not in infinity. Since all relative judgements is transitory and of little value, you should learn the structure of infinity the eternal Creator.

This is why I have spent forty-eight years as an interpreter of the philosophy of the Orient and why I wrote this guide-book. It is a passport to the kingdom of health, freedom and happiness, where every being is his own master, free and healthy, never salaried, never dependent. Birds, fish, insects and microbes along with all herbs and trees live there in complete satisfaction without the fear of sickness, old age or death. I shall be very happy if you can use this passport even for only ten days. If you decide to be happy, free, healthy and independent through observing the directions of our philosophy, contact me anytime and anywhere via the telephone called “FAITH”.

In the kingdom of life, one must learn everything for himself and by himself. There is no school or university because the infinite universe itself is the eternal school; there is no teacher because one can learn from everything and everyone, day and night. A strong cruel enemy is particularly valuable; without him , one becomes idle, weak and stupid. this guide-book to living is more than sufficient because the oriental teacher of the Grand School teaches by asking questions: he rarely answers any of them so as to strengthen the student’s ability to judge for himself. In the grand School of Happiness and Freedom, learning comes only through practice. Theory must be imagined  and invented through intuition and thinking.

Text taken from : ZEN MACROBIOTICS- The art of rejuvenation and longevity

                            George Ohsawa

Ted Emanuel Naturopathic Wellness Retreat, Jamaica  W. I.
Summer Worshops available Companies, Churches, Groups

“Food is the main sustenance of life , without it sickness can never be definitively corrected or cured”

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